How do I add an image to my merchandise copy?

Images can be added to the merchandise copy by simply pasting a link in the relevant box.

Images need to be hosted on a website to be added to this text box.  There is an image icon where you can paste the image link.

You can also create an image that shows all of your different merchandise options. This will appear in the Merchandise copy section – above your merchandise options.

Merchandise image dimensions: roughly 600wide and 180tall.

If you intend to design an image, we recommend roughly 600w and around 180t. It is intuitive, so many image sizes can be added, just be wary of how large you make it, so it doesn’t overpower the ticketing page.

We recommend using Canva -

It’s a free design application that allows you to create images to meet custom dimensions.

If you require any further assistance, please get in touch via and your Account Manager will be able to provide additional information.

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