How do I resend tickets?

Resending Tickets

Customers can resend tickets to themselves using the resend my tickets link. This link is found on the right hand side of your event page, below your contact details. It can also be found on the ‘Contact Us’ page of the main IWannaTicket website.

The customer can enter their email address and have all tickets booked using that address resent to them via email.

Resending or Printing Tickets from the Admin Interface

Go to the 'Orders' section of your event, find your relevant transaction through searching a name or order number.

Select the relevant transaction, and from here you will be able to resend tickets, print the tickets and reprint receipts under the 'Actions' box on the left navigation panel.

If you click 'Resend' it will reissue tickets to the email that is provided on the transaction.

You can change these details through the 'Update payee details' button.

Print tickets/ print receipt/ download tickets/ download receipt buttons will reissue tickets in pdf format. You can then send these pdf's via email or use the physical copy. 

If you require any further assistance, please get in touch via and your Account Manager will be able to provide additional information.

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