How to use Payment Plans

A payment plan must be set up with a final payment date and an admin fee. You will need to provide this information to your Account Manager. We recommend the final payment date is at least 2 weeks prior to the event to allow time to follow up on missed payments.

The first payment taken at the time of purchase includes the admin and booking fees. Payments are processed automatically each Friday morning, starting on the first Friday which falls 5 or more days after purchase. If a payment is unsuccessful it is retried on Wednesday.

If a customer's payment is declined they will receive a notification. The system will try three more times and if fails on the third time their payment plan will be stopped. 

It is up to each club to ensure customer’s payment plans are going through each week and to follow up with the customer if a payment plan has been stopped. Steps on how to do this can be found in the final section of this document. 

Setting up a payment plan 

If you wish to set up a payment plan for an event please get in touch with your account manager. Let them know the payment plan fee you wish to charge the customer as well as the final payment date (at least 2 weeks prior to the event to allow time to follow up on missed payments). Once this has been done you will be able to set up your event using payment plan options. 

Payment plans use a separate portal to the main event. After setting up payment plan tickets the system will generate two links for the event:

Customers generally prefer to highlight the payment plan option in the abstract above the ticket selector for the event. This includes details of how the payment plan works plus a clickable link for customers to access the payment plan:

The abstract is formatted using HTML text so if you need a hand setting this up please get in touch with your account manager. 

Setting up tickets under a payment plan

For each ticket you would like to make available on a payment plan add the tag ‘INSTALLMENT’ to the ticket. Tickets sold on installment can either be regular tickets or specific payment plan tickets marked as not visible to the public and tagged. We generally find it’s easier to create specific Payment Plan tickets to make it easier to track. See below for an example: 

After setting up the ticket you will need to add the tag ‘INSTALMENT’ in the tag section of the ticket editor. 

Once this is all done your payment plans will be available for sale. 

Locating a payment plan 

Go to the orders area for the event → search for the order → click in to the order and go to the ‘payment schedule’ tab.

Here you will see a schedule of payments and be able to make changes to a customer’s payment plan. 

Changing card details

Customers can request to change the card their payments are being taken from. To change card details first check which processor the client is using. To do this, go to the orders area for the event → search for the order → click in to the order and go to the ‘payment schedule’ tab → click the update details button

Add the new card details and press save. If the payment plan has stopped you may also need to restart payments.

Restarting a stopped Payment Plan

If a customer’s card is declined three times their payment plan will be stopped. To restart their payment plan go to the orders area for the event → search for the order → click in to the order and go to the ‘update payment schedule’ tab → enter in the the first payment date (the upcoming Friday) and a last payment date → hit save and the payment schedule will be automatically updated

Making a payment 

Customers can request to pay off some or all of their outstanding balance outside of the payment schedule. To do this, go to the orders area for the event → search for the order → click in to the order and go to the ‘make a payment’ tab → enter the amount the customer wishes to pay

Administering Payment Plans 

Sometimes a customer will not get in touch if their payment plan has been stopped. To see a summary of customers whose payment plans have been stopped go to the reports area of the event → download ‘Payment Plans: Stopped’ report 

The report will provide a summary of the customer order and the amount left outstanding on the payment plan.

It is important to review this report monthly and to follow up with any customer whose payment plan has been stopped asap to avoid large amounts of outstanding payments at the end of the season.

If you require any further assistance, please get in touch via and your Account Manager will be able to provide additional information.

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