How do I fully customise session names?
By default sessions displayed in the Ticket-buying widget include the date, time and session name/label. In some cases, having the exact date displayed alongside the session name in this list can create confusion.
The default behaviour of session names to include the day, date, and time can be overridden to only include the given label for each session, which can be configured individually in the Event Date editor, found on the Event Summary page.
Enable "Use Label Only"
Navigate to the "Listing Details" page from the left navigation bar of your event.
Underneath the umbrella topic "Widget Options", click the checkbox labelled "Hide event dates (use label only)"
Enabling this setting with unlabelled sessions will result in them showing in the Session Selector as a blank entry. For the best customer experience, ensure all sessions are labelled before enabling this setting.
If you require any further assistance, please get in touch via and your Account Manager will be able to provide additional information.