How do I put tickets in different sections in the ticket selector?

Tickets and Merchandise displayed on the widget come with a small amount of default customisation in the form of names and editable copy. Advanced Copy is an advanced feature that can be used to extend this functionality.

NOTE: Advanced Copy is an advanced feature and as such is not enabled by default. If you would like to start using Advanced Copy, contact your Account Manager or get in touch via

By default, the widget displays a first page consisting of the ticket copy and ticket selector, followed by a second page consisting of merchandise copy and the merchandise selector. This can be customised using Advanced Copy.

This article will cover how the feature can be used to add styled headings to groups of tickets, such as the red headings in the example below.

The Ticket Selector Copy is always shown above the ticket selector. By default it will show "Select item:" but this may vary if you have customised it.

If you are using styled headings and would like to remove this copy, simply navigate to "Listing Details", ensure that "Set Ticket Selector Copy" is checked.

To remove the copy, replace any existing text (or lack thereof) with a single space and save changes.

Styled Headings using Advanced Copy

1. Navigate to "Advanced Copy" on the left hand side of your event page on IWannaTicket. If you do not see this option, make sure you have contacted an administrator to enable the feature on your account.

2. If you haven't used this feature before it should state there are no advanced copies defined yet. Click "Add Copy" on the action bar in the bottom left of the screen.

3. This will bring up a window for you to create your Advanced Copy. For the purpose of adding additional headings to tickets, only some of the fields will be used.

Name: This is used to reference the unique copy within the IWannaTicket system, and is not shown to customers.

Sort Position: This field determines the exact position of the copy relative to other tickets within the ticket selector. Tickets and ticket copy are displayed in ascending order, while merchandise copy is displayed directly before the first merchandise item.

If you have a complicated system of tickets and related copy, we recommend planning out positioning before creating ticket types and copy.

Show in ticket selector/merchandise selector: These check boxes determine what page the Advanced Copy will be shown on. For the purpose of adding headings to tickets, check "Show in ticket selector".

Copy: The main text field for the copy. The "Edit Raw" and "Edit Rich" links on the bottom left of this field allow you to switch between viewing the HTML code (raw) and the styled product of the code (rich).

The Ticket Groups and Event Date Groups fields can be used with the tagging system to ensure that headings are only shown when needed, either depending on ticket availability or event date. In this example, these fields are left blank, and as such the heading will always be displayed.

4. For the purpose of adding a styled heading to tickets, the example in this article uses the following code which has been customised to fit the branding of the event.

In this example, the code #E83038 is the red background, while #ffffff is the white text. We recommend you edit these to match your event.

<h5><p style="font-size:1.2em;text=align:center;background-color:#E83038; color:#ffffff; padding:5px;"><span style="font-weight: bold;">YOUR HEADING HERE</span></p></h5>

5. Once you have finished writing your copy, click "Save" to apply your headings to the ticket selector.

You can find more information on using HTML in the following help article

If you require any further assistance, please get in touch via and your Account Manager will be able to provide additional information.

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