How do I upload an external barcode against a ticket?

When a ticket is purchased, IWannaTicket attaches a barcode to it. In some instances, (ie when issuing wristbands or physical membership cards), you may need to override the system generated barcode. This article will show you how to add externally generated barcodes to tickets.

NOTE: Barcode validation is an advanced feature and as such is not enabled by default. If you would like to start using barcode validation, contact your Account Manager or get in touch via

Uploading unique barcode against a ticket

  1. Locate the sale in the orders area and click the small + icon at the end of the row.

  1. Either manually input the barcode in the text box or use a scanner. Once you’ve entered the barcode, hit save.

  1. To check whether the barcode has been correctly entered against the ticket click into the order, locate the admissions tab within the order. Each admission you entered a barcode against should have a green tick alongside the barcode entered.

Your external barcodes are now ready to be scanned!

If you require any further assistance, please get in touch via and your Account Manager will be able to provide additional information.

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