How do I create event groups

Event groups are a feature that are enabled when your account is given the Festival option. Event groups allow you to work with groups of events by name. You can also group these event groups into 'event group groups'. These event groups (and event group groups) can be used for reporting and creating discounts. This article will show you how to set up and manage your event groups and event group groups.

NOTE: Festival option is an advanced feature and as such is not enabled by default. If you would like to start using the festival option, contact your Account Manager or get in touch via

Setting up an event group

  1. Under the 'Festival' tab, navigate to 'Event Groups' in the left hand menu bar. You can create an event group by clicking on 'Add Event Group'.
  2. Once you're in the event group editor, you will see two columns of events. On the left are those events which are not in this event group, and on the right are those which are. You can click on an event in one column to move it to the other.

  1. The search field searches on all of the fields in the event list - name, venue, first date, and last date. So if your event group is "all the events at the Conservatorium", you can search for "Conservatorium". You can also enter the event's IWannaTicket ID number, if you happen to know it.
  2. Once you've selected all your events and named your new event group hit 'Save'.

Setting up an event group group

  1. You can create an event group group by clicking on 'Add Event Group Group'. Like the event group editor, you will have a list of groups that are OUT on the left, and a list of groups that are IN on the right. Just click on a group to move it across.

  1. Once you've selected all your events and named your new event group group hit 'Save'.


  • It's fine for events to be in multiple event groups
  • You can only delete an event group or group group if it's empty
  • If you're creating groups for your Giant Big Festival 2023, remember that eventually you will have a Giant Big Festival 2024, so name your groups appropriately - IWannaTicket will remember your events for years to come. So you should put all the Rock and Roll acts in a group called "Rock & Roll 23", and all of the academic monologues in a group called "Monologues 23". Then create a group group called "Giant Big 23" and put both of those groups into it.

    Then in 2025 you'll be able to report on Giant Big Festival '23, '24, or '25 without any problems.

If you require any further assistance, please get in touch via and your Account Manager will be able to provide additional information.

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