How do I setup a booking code?

Booking codes can be set up to allow discounts, or limit access to certain tickets that require a Booking Code. Rules using these codes can be set up in many different ways. Refer to the methods detailed below for creating a Booking Code for your event below. 

This article covers 2 methods: 

  • Manually building the Booking Code within the Codes and Discount area. 
  • Uploading your Booking Code to IWannaTicket.  

Method 1: How to set up a Booking Code manually 

1) Login to your account and click into your event. Click on Codes & Discountson the left hand navigation panel.

2) On a new screen, it will show you any preexisting codes and discounts that have been set up in your event as depicted below. 

We recommend, for any tickets or items that you want attendees to have a compulsory booking fee in order to reserve, edit each ticket type and tick the box 'Requires Booking Code' in the Summary page of your event. 

3) On the lower left of your screen you will see 'add code', 'add discount' and 'import codes' - here is where you add new booking codes. 

You can have an unlimited number of booking codes such as FRIEND, FAMILY, COMP, PROMOTER etc

  • ‘Code’ refers to the actual Discount code that will be passed on and used by ticket buyers. E.g) SECRET10
  • ‘Quantity’ refers to the amount of times that a code may be used. E.g) 50

4. Once you click the 'Add Code' button in the Actions box, the following box will appear to input the following information.

5) Once your booking codes are set up, you will next need to create an associated discount rule. To do this, select the 'add discount' button under the Actions tab on your screen.

6) A new pop up will appear asking you to create a 'rule description'. This is so you can easily identify the discount code you've set up, for example, 'promoter booking code discount'.

Note: This will not show on the front end of the webpage.

7) When you 'add a rule' there are many combinations that you can have that apply discounts. 

If you have just one code (such as 'PROMOTER') you can need to set up a rule that says " If 'booking code is' - 'PROMOTER', then apply an discount of..."

Note: If you select ‘tickets, which require a code’ or ‘tickets which require a code, limited per event date’ you will need to edit each ticket and tick the box ‘Requires Booking Code’ in the Summary page of your event. 

8) Set up the discount type. You can set up an Overall Discount %, Overall Discount $, Per Ticket Discount $ and Per Ticket Discounted Name $. 

9) Once you have selected your desired type of discount rule, hit save and your Discount + Code will be active and ready to use. You can test the booking code by clicking on the event and using the code on the front end of your event page.

Method 2 - How to set up a Booking Code via uploading to IWannaTicket

If you have a large list of codes created, it is easier to import a list of booking codes to IWannaTicket.

1) Create the list of codes in an excel document with two columns.

2) Label the two top columns:  Column A - Booking codes, Column B - Quantity. Then list the codes and quantities below.

Note: If you have many promoters we suggest starting their codes with the same beginning.

Ie: PROM1, PROM2. This will prove useful later on when you are creating rules for these codes.

3) If you need to create booking codes for other scenarios, add Column C - Type. The appropriate values for this column are:

  • “PER_TICKET” - to create a code which applies to tickets
  • “PER_SALE” - to create a code which applies to sale
  • “PER_TICKET_MARKED” - to create a code which applies to tickets marked as requiring a booking code.

The other scenarios are not available by import.

4) When you are done, save the file in .CSV format.

5) Use the 'Import Codes' button on the lower left navigation panel of the 'booking codes' section and upload. 

Please contact us via you require any additional assistance or have any questions about this article. 

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