How do I add the ticket widget to my website?

We have released a ticket widget that can be inbuilt into your website, meaning that customers can buy tickets without having to leave your website. 

In order to proceed with putting a widget on your website, we recommend that you have some developer skills (or know someone who does)! If you do not have any, our developers at IWannaTicket can set it up for you- these services may come at an additional cost. 

Step 1

Firstly, you need to make sure that your website it secure. This is essential, as customers financial information is going to be passing through your website and all transactions need to be secure.

A secure website begins with:  https://  rather than http:// 

Step 2

Get a developer to place the code below on the page you want the Ticket Widget to appear. You will need to get the event identifier from your event. This is the last letters and numbers that appear after the last hyphen in your event url. 


Then you put it in the snippet of code that is bolded. 

<script src=""></script>

<iframe id="iwt-frame" src="" width="100%" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe>




Step 3

The end result looks like this:

If you require any further assistance, please get in touch via and your Account Manager will be able to provide additional information.

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