How do I create a reveal code?

IWannaTicket allows you to create ticket types that are only available for people with a unique ticket link. This article teaches you how to set up the hidden ticket type and create the link to send out to your attendees. 

How to create reveal codes

1. Add the new ticket type that you do not want regular ticket buyers to have access to.

For example, you may want to set up a secret ticket type that you only send around to your immediate friends and family. Or, you may want to set up a secret ticket type for event volunteers who can attend a special price.

2. Ensure that the sale status is 'Available for Sale' and that it is set to the correct allocation. 

3. Put the Reveal Code that you would like to use (eg - friendsonly) in the Reveal Codes box at the bottom of the ticket editing page. 

4. The reveal code can now be added to the ticketing url and the link sent out to those who need to access it. 

In the example, we have set the reveal code to be 'supersecretseating'. You can have multiple reveal codes just seperate them with a comma.

5. Share and copy the event URL and add to the end of the link - ?reveal=[YOUR CODE].

If you require any further assistance, please get in touch via and your Account Manager will be able to provide additional information.

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