How do I offer a batch of merchandise across multiple event dates?

For merchandise available in limited numbers such as apparel or raffle tickets, it can be handy to offer the whole amount from a single source throughout multiple event dates. By using tags, a singular ticket type can be offered over multiple dates.

1. Create a merchandise ticket within an event date as usual, but do not click save.

For events with a lot of merchandise options, it can help to assign all merchandise to a single dedicated event date with a HIDDEN tag. This way, you can tag specific events with the relevant merchandise, which is covered later in the article.

2. Designate a relevant tag for the item and add it to the Tags field in all capital letters, followed by an asterisk.

If you were selling hats for example, you might input the following into the Tags field:


3. Click save.

4. Now that your merchandise has been set up, it can offered on alongside tickets to any event date by simply adding the relevant tag without the asterisk to that event date, in the Tags field and clicking save.

Following the example above, hats could easily be sold on any event date by simply adding the following to the Tags field for the relevant event date:


This way of offering a single ticket across multiple event dates can also be used to run raffles and collect donations. By offering these as a single ticket type, a single report can easily be generated to provide information regarding all purchases of this type.

If you require any further assistance, please get in touch via and your Account Manager will be able to provide additional information.

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