What reports are there for my event / account?
Within each event there is a Reporting section that helps you gain insights about your sales and customers. All our reports are downloadable, in .csv files formats, PDF format or can be sent via email.
This means you can download and or print the most current report at any time or have your reports automatically sent to stakeholders on a daily or weekly basis.
You can filter your report date range, which allows you to see the sales in a specified period. These filtered dates will be reflected in the results of each report that you subsequently download.
Each of our reports has an ‘email’ button, which allows you to schedule email updates of each report. You can select to send a report on a daily or weekly basis. This is great if you need to keep your stakeholders or employers in the loop about your sales.
Main Article: How do I view and email my reports?
Basic Event Reports
- Orders: A record of each individual transaction made for your event, including those that have been refunded (there can be one or many tickets contained in an Order).
- Summary Sales: A summary of the number of tickets sold. It shows tickets sold for each ticket type as well as each event date.
- Daily Sales: This gives you a breakdown of the number of tickets sold each day.
- Guest List: The Guest List report allows you to download a full list of all attendees at your event. It has a record of each ticket they purchased, any discount codes that they used, the price of their tickets and their personal information. It also shows what time a ticket is scanned at the event and by whom.
- Credit Notes: A record of all attendees that used a credit note in their purchase.
- Discounts: Is a report with a summary of each booking code used and the amount of times.
- Merchandise: Similar to the guest list report but it only covers merchandise.
- Payment Plan: This report is only available to clients who have set up Payment Plan option for their events. This is perfect for festivals, as it allows customers to pay in weekly instalments. The report shows all customers paying by instalment, how much they have paid to date, what they still owe and their total order value.
- Scanned vs Unscanned: Shows the number of thickets which have been scanned for your event.
Account Reports
- Event sales by date: Total event sales for all events - choose a date range to narrow it down. Useful when assessing your profits from one calendar year.
- Box sales by user & date: Total box office sales by one user, or one date. Useful when assessing how many sales a member of staff put through
- All customers by date: A downloadable list of all customers that have bought tickets to your event. This is useful if you want to communicate with your customer base that you have a new event
- POS Terminal by user & date: Total sales at the point of sale by one user or one date. Useful when assessing how many sales a member of staff put through.
If you require any further assistance, please get in touch via support@iwannaticket.com.au and your Account Manager will be able to provide additional information.