Adding and removing users from an Account

Multiple people may be involved in the planning and management of your events in your Account on IWannaTicket. This article discusses the excellent features that the IWannaTicket has created to make it easy for event organisers to add other users to your account. 

So that all event organisers involved with your event are not all working under the same email address and password,  follow the steps below to add another user to your IWannaTicket account. 

Each user can also have set restrictions and limitations on their Account that you can learn about here. 

  1. To add the first user to your account, you will need to go into the main Account Tab. You are welcome to create as many unique user roles for your account as you need to. However, we recommend managing the restrictions of each user so that they only have access to edit and change the events and areas of your account that they need. 

2. Locate the Users area in the left navigation side bar. 

3. Click ‘Add User’ in the Actions section which will take you to the following page so that you can set up their account. You will need to put in the following User Details by completing the form pictured below. 

Note - This information can be changed at any time. You can also use this function to update users passwords if they are locked out or need to be updated. 

4. Once you have completed all of these User Details that you tick the ‘Enabled’ box. This will allow the user to be registered in the IWannaTicket database so that they can successfully log in as an ‘active’ user. You can also choose to untick this box at any time to turn off the user. 

See also: A User Got Locked Out of the Account

If you require any further assistance, please get in touch via and your Account Manager will be able to provide additional information.

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