Where do I find the URL to my event/s?

IWannaTicket allows you to share your event listings in two ways - as a single event, or as one event of many. You have two links that you can share which direct your customers.

How to display multiple events

When you sign into IWannaTicket - you are taken to a screen with your 'upcoming events'. Whether you have 1 or 10 events, they will all display here.

There is a blue link above these events - this is your subdomain link. If you give this link to customers they will be able to see a summary of all the events that you currently have on sale.

Note: If you only have one event on sale - the subdomain link will automatically direct people to that one event.

How to display single events

When you click into a specific event - you are taken to the Summary page.

At the top of this page, you will see a blue link - this is your event link. This link ONLY directly directs traffic to this event - where they can purchase tickets.

For more information on customising the event page, see the following articles:

How can I customise the event page?

Customising the ticket buying process, step-by-step

If you require any further assistance, please get in touch via support@iwannaticket.com.au and your Account Manager will be able to provide additional information.

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