Customising the Ticket Buying Process - Step by Step
Customisation is key to ensuring that the ticket buying process for your event reflects your brand and meets your customers' needs. IWannaTicket offers a suite of options that can be leveraged to create a personalised experience that matches the form and function of your event.
Creating a seamless ticket buying process is crucial for any event. IWannaTicket allows you to customise the ticket buying process at each of the following steps, as well as the overall event page. This article will cover what options are available for each segment:
- Event Date Selection
- Ticket Selection
- Seat Reservation
- Merchandise Selection
- Customer Details Collection
- Guest Details Collection
- Payment
- Payment Confirmation
This article covers customisation options in regards to the functional ticket-buying widget, shown to customers on your event page or embedded onto your own site.
For how to set up an event or other ways to customise your event, see below:
How do I set up my first event?
How can I customise the look of my event listing?
How do I customise the tickets and emails sent to customers?
Customising the Ticket Buying Widget
Immediately underneath the event details and abstract of your event is the ticket buying widget, where the ticket buying process is completed. This consists of the date and ticket selectors, as well as screens for collecting purchaser, guest and payment details, and finally a confirmation of payment page.
Event Date/Session Selector
The Event Date Selector is generally the first screen shown in the ticket buying widget, allowing customers to browse each available date for your event.
Available as a generic list or in a calendar-style date picker, this list is generated from available tickets allowing for session changes, reveal codes and tags to change how the list is displayed.
Note: If your event only has a single session, this page will screen will not be shown.
For information regarding setting up multiple event dates, see the following articles:
For events with multiple sessions in a single day, or events during for which customers are likely to want to attend multiple sessions, the Calendar-Style Date Selector may be a more suitable option, as shown below.
It can be enabled under "Advanced Options" > "Use calendar-style date picker" on the "Listing Details" page of your event.
For events with multiple sessions in a single day, selecting a date on the calendar will then show all available sessions on that date.
Hiding Dates/Sessions
Dates/sessions can be hidden from this page by simply including "HIDDEN" as a tag on the session.
Main Article: How do I hide sessions from ticket buyers?
Booking & Reveal Codes
Reveal codes are a feature that allow for exclusive access to specific hidden sessions or ticket types. These can be used to gives friends and family special access, or for exclusive pre-sales.
Editing Dates/Sessions
Deleting Dates/Sessions
Session dates can easily be deleted as long as no tickets have been sold. Once any number of tickets have been sold, the event must be unlisted instead to ensure that potentially now invalid tickets can be refunded.
Main Article: How do I delete an event date?
Label Only Session Names
In some cases, having the exact date displayed alongside the session name in this list can create confusion. The "Hide event dates (use label only)" checkbox can be used to toggle this and is found on the Listing Details page of the relevant event.
Main Article: How do I fully customise session names?
Ticket Selector
Once the a date/session has been selected, the widget will then move on to Ticket Selection.
Ticket Selector Copy
By default the text "Select item:" will be displayed above the ticket selector, as shown above. This message can be customised from the "Listing Details" page by checking the "Set Ticket Selector Copy" checkbox and inputting your desired text in the box that appears.
To functionally remove this line of text entirely, enable "Set Ticket Selector Copy" and input a single "space" into the text box.
Advanced Copy
For more advanced setups involving seperating tickets into different sections within the widget, Advanced Copy can be used to fully customise the layout of the widget.
Alternatively, this feature can be used in a fairly simple way to provide styled headings for the entire ticket selector, as shown below.
Main Articles:
Waitlists are an advanced feature that allows customers to opt in to recieving an email about new event dates. This feature must be enabled for your account by contacting an admin at
Main Article: How to use the waitlist feature
Raffle Tickets
Any raffle tickets that have been made available for sale during this session will be displayed alongside the other available ticket types.
Main Article: How do I add raffle tickets to my event?
In cases where raffle tickets are limited but are intended to be sold across multiple event dates, the batch merchandise function may be more applicable.
For more information, see this article: How do I sell a batch of merchandise across multiple event dates?
Seat Reservation
Seat Reservation is a feature enabled for venues that are configured to require reserve allocation, which can be customised from the "Venue" tab on the IWannaTicket site.
Seating plans must be configured manually, following the instructions included in the article below.
Main Article: Creating a seating plan
Alternatively, if you would like us to build your seating chart for you - please allow our team 3 business days to upload and build the chart based off a provided diagram of your seating arrangement. Please contact us if you would like further information about this.
Merchandise Selector
The merchandise selector screen works almost identically to the ticket selector screen, showing all available merchandise options for the selected session. In fact, merchandise is actually just a different type of ticket, and as such can be added to sessions in the same way from the event summary page.
For more information regarding merchandise ticket types and setting up merchandise, see the main article linked below:
Main Article: How do I add a merchandise item?
Mechandise Selector Copy
Much like the ticket selector copy, the default text "Select item:" will be displayed above the merchandise selector, as shown in the main example above. This message can be customised from the "Listing Details" page by checking the "Set Merchandise Copy" checkbox and inputting your desired text in the box that appears.
To functionally remove this line of text entirely, enable "Set Merchandise Copy" and input a single "space" into the text box.
Images can also be added to the Merchandise Copy to exhibit the available items.
Main Article: How do I add an image to my merchandise copy?
Single batch merchandise across multiple dates
In some cases, items intended to be sold at each session are in limited stock. The following article details how to configure a merchandise item that can be offered at each intended date, but still pull from a single allocation.
Display merchandise alongside tickets
Instead of having the merchandise selection appear after ticket selection, merchandise may be configured to appear alongside ticket selection on the first page, as shown below.
To enable this configuration, navigate to the "Listing Details" page of your event and check the "Show Merchandise on first page" checkbox.
Note: When configuring tickets and merchandise to show on the same page, it is important to additionally provide custom copy for both tickets and merchandise to differentiate the sections, as shown above.
Customer Detail Collection
Once ticket and merchandise selection has been completed, the widget will reserve the selected tickets and begin prompting for personal details.
The first page shows prompts for the purchasing customer to fill out which includes a number of fields that can be configured from the "Additional Fields" page on the left navigation bar.
The following prompts cannot be disable and MUST be filled out for the purchase to be completed:
- First Name
- Last Name
- Email Address
Additional fields can be added to this page via the instructions included in the article below.
Main Article: What are additional fields and how do I create them?
Guest Detail Collection
While in some cases collecting the details of the purchasing customer is enough, oftentimes it can be beneficial to collect information for each ticket purchased. This allows details such as the name, age, and dietary restrictions of the ticket holder to be included on the ticket.
Additional fields can be added to this page via the instructions included in the article below.
Main Article: What are additional fields and how do I create them?
Related Article: How to include the name of the ticket holder on the PDF ticket
Payment Details
Event organisers can include a link to their Terms and Conditions on this page by including the link in the "Link to your Terms and Conditions of purchase" field near the bottom of the "Listing Details" page.
Credit card is the only payment option for online ticket purchases currently, although event organisers are encouraged to sell tickets at the entrance to their event via the box office.
For more information regarding the box office and issuing tickets, see the article below.
Main Article: Box Office Setup
Payment Confirmation
After a successful transaction, the ticket buyer is redirected to the order confirmation page, where they are supplied details of their transactions and links to download the each ticket as a PDF.
By default once this page is shown, the ticket buyer is additionally sent an email containing all the purchased tickets. This behaviour can be changed per ticket type to avoid situations such as the "Hats" ticket in the example above.
Regardless of whether a digital ticket is sent, all items will appear on the digital receipt sent to the customer.
Main Article: I don't want to send a ticket to my customer
For information about customising the overall look of the event page or the tickets and emails sent to customers, see the relevant articles below:
How do I set up my first event?
How can I customise the look of my event listing?
How do I customise the tickets and emails sent to customers?
If you require any further assistance, please get in touch via and your Account Manager will be able to provide additional information.