What types of tickets are there?

General admission tickets

When you add a 'ticket type' you can title the ticket with anything you want. This can range from everything from 'General Admission', 'Concession' 'Youth' to ' Early Bird Round One - Adult'  'Conference Day One Ticket', "9am session' or  'Surprise Birthday Ticket' etc etc! 

At the event, a general admission ticket can be scanned in at the main entry point or used one time. The scanner app will not allow it to be used more than once. 

Multi-entry tickets

When you create a ticket type you can specify how many times it can be used for admission. If you want the ticket to be used from multiple entry points at a venue or on a number of occasions - you can increase the number of times it can be used for admission. 

To increase the maximum admissions per ticket: Simply go to the summary page of your event, select the 'edit' button on the ticket you would like to change. Scroll down to 'Max admissions' and change the number to be higher than 1. Then scroll down and hit SAVE. ​

Season Passes

Seasons pass tickets can be used for admission several times - ideal for teaching sessions, events that happen over multiple dates etc. 

To set up a season pass - a code must be applied to each 'season pass' ticket. So go to the 'edit' button of the ticket you want to have a season pass. Scroll down to  the 'Tags' section of the ticket. Then copy this code EXACTLY - so that it works. Code is below:


Then hit save. This will need to be applied to each ticket that needs a season pass. 

Allocated seating tickets

Event Organisers have the ability to create a seating plan for the venue - ideal for concerts, balls and dinners. 

These are set up through the 'listing details' section of your account. Tick the box next to 'RA (reserved allocation) ticket selector'. This will allow you to create a seating plan and allocate seats to your guests

Please note, if your event is reserve seating, contact support@iwannaticket.com.au as we will help you set this up. 

Free tickets + Complimentary Tickets

Main Article: How do I set up and issue complimentary tickets?

Gift Vouchers

Main Article: How do I create gift vouchers?

Simple merchandise (Bean bag, Tree): 

Main Article: How do I add merchandise?

If you require any further assistance, please get in touch via support@iwannaticket.com.au and your Account Manager will be able to provide additional information.

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